

At its core, community economic development means to promote your community’s particular strengths.

If you are a resort community, then extolling the benefits of your recreation area is crucial to continue to cycle your region in the minds of the recreation consumer. If your community is a small farming town that is safe, affordable, has services and a quiet, beautiful laid back attitude these strengths can be used to promote for new families or attract ex-pats back to retire.

How do you do all of this with other municipal priorities that require operational and capital dollars?

Advertising campaigns such as television or radio can be expensive. They reach a wide audience but sustaining them is a challenge for municipal budgets. The best way is to invest in a social media campaign. With social media you can target your audience, where they live, what type of interests they have and tailor your message on your key strengths and begin to promote to your particular audience.

Social media campaigns are far cheaper than traditional media and can tell stories in visual terms. Your towns strengths can be enhanced by peoples stories and filled with nostalgia and current benefits.

Social media can promote your local businesses and town assets and provide positive reinforcement of your community.

Contact Capstone Community Marketing if you are struggling to think what community economic development means and we can begin a strategic social media campaign promoting who you are and your strengths.